The Door- A Center of Alternatives

The Door- A Center of Alternatives

Business and Professional Services

121 Avenue of the Americas
(212) 941-9090

The Door’s mission is to empower young people to reach their potential by providing comprehensive youth development services in a diverse and caring environment. Since 1972, The Door has helped a diverse and rapidly growing population of disconnected youth in New York City gain the tools they need to become successful, in school, work and in life. While we pride ourselves on offering all of our services under one roof, The Door is also focused on impacting the lives of young people throughout the city - and the world - and, as such, has served as a model for other, similar organizations locally, nationally and internationally. As the needs of New York City youth continue to shift and change, we work hard to shift our services in response. Learn more about our comprehensive approach to serving young people. General programming at The Door takes place from 2:00 – 8:00 p.m., with extended hours until 10:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Health, mental health and legal appointments - as well as HSE and other Career & Education classes - take place earlier in the day. Specific drop-in hours for runaway and homeless youth begin at 11am M-F, and 12-6pm on Saturdays.  

Visit their site for more information.

Hudson Square

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