Business Incentives
NYC Business Incentives EstimatorNYC Business Incentives EstimatorThinking of relocating to Hudson Square? Use the Business Incentives Calculator to gauge what city, state, and federal financing could be available to you.View
Lower Manhattan REAP–Special Eligible BusinessesLower Manhattan REAP–Special Eligible BusinessesProvides tax credits of $3,000 per employee for businesses that relocate to Hudson Square and other neighborhoods south of Houston Street.View
Excelsior Jobs ProgramExcelsior Jobs ProgramTax credits are available for strategic businesses such as high tech, bio-tech, clean-tech and manufacturing that create jobs or make significant capital investments.View
Qualified Emerging Technology Companies (QETC) Incentive ProgramQualified Emerging Technology Companies (QETC) Incentive ProgramOffers up to $250,000 of funding to emerging technology companies for research and development activities, employee training, and property leasing.View
New York State Film Production CreditNew York State Film Production CreditProvides tax credit equal to 35% of production expenditures for production companies that shoot and produce films in New York City.View
New York City Capital Access Loan Guaranty ProgramNew York City Capital Access Loan Guaranty ProgramProvides up to 40% guaranty on loans for small businesses experiencing difficulty in borrowing.View
Manufacturing Facilities Bond Program & Industrial Incentives ProgramManufacturing Facilities Bond Program & Industrial Incentives ProgramOffers a variety of credits and triple tax exempt financing to manufacturers of tangible personal property that acquire, construct, or renovate facilities for business.View
ConEd Small Business Direct Installation ProgramConEd Small Business Direct Installation ProgramProvides a free on-site energy audit for ConEd customers with monthly electric bills under 100kw.View
NYC Solar and Green Roof Tax AbatementsNYC Solar and Green Roof Tax AbatementsProvides a variety of tax incentives for owners who install green roofs or solar PVs on top of their buildings.View
NYC Office of Emergency Management - Ready New York: Business GuideNYC Office of Emergency Management - Ready New York: Business GuideMake sure your business is ready in case of an emergency.View
NYC Paid Sick Leave LawNYC Paid Sick Leave LawInformation for businesses on New York City’s Paid Sick Leave Law.View
NY State of Health - Small Business MarketplaceNY State of Health - Small Business MarketplacePurchasing health insurance? Learn more about New York State’s health insurance marketplace for small businesses.View
NYC Economic Development Corporation - Business Incentives GuideNYC Economic Development Corporation - Business Incentives GuideThis guide provides an overview of New York City incentive programs that can benefit your business in both the near- and long-terms. The guide includes individual program descriptions, location maps and contact information.View
SCORE New York CitySCORE New York CitySCORE NYC offers affordable workshops in a wide range of small business topics and free and confidential business mentoring in a variety of topics ranging from marketing to legal.View
Stop Sexual Harassment ACTStop Sexual Harassment ACTLocal Law 95 of 2018 requires the New York City Commission on Human Rights to conspicuously post on its website resources about sexual harassment, including an explanation that sexual harassment is a form of unlawful discrimination under local law. Download the required legal notice in English, Spanish and fact sheet for distribution to employees. NOTE: The legal notice is required to be posted by NYC employers in both English and Spanish. Download notice PDFView
NYC Goods & Services Mentorship ProgramNYC Goods & Services Mentorship ProgramThis four-month, intensive program is offered by The NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) to help NYC M/WBE-certified firms grow their businesses and learn how to successfully bid on City contracts. View