As part of our goal to make Hudson Square a place for people, the BID retained the market research firm of Audience Research & Analysis (ARA) to engage our workforce community so we could better understand the needs of the tens of thousands of people who work in the neighborhood. The survey, which we conducted during the fall of 2016, captured date on the demographics, consumer habits, and consumer preferences of our workforce.
Highlights from the survey results include:
- Our typical consumer is young, well educated + works in creative industries
- During the workday, people tend to make purchases and return to their offices quickly
- They spend significantly more on food ($189M) than on merchandise($121M)
- They spend more on apparel than all other merch categories combined
- Overall, quality and price drive purchasing decisions
Click here to access the full survey report produced by ARA.
Click here to see our Hudson Square Neighborhood Demographics Booklet