November 22 - December 31, 2019
The New York City Fire Museum is proud to present the photography of Lt. Kyra Neeley King. This collection was shot at numerous fire and emergency scenes responded to by the FDNY, as well as other events and ceremonies. These images provide insights into the lives of FDNY firefighters and EMS personnel, that the general public rarely get to see. These photographs, originally shot in color, reflect emotion and relevance through Lt. King’s use of selective color – digitally removing all but a few areas of saturation to direct the viewer’s eye. All images on display on display are available for purchase. Proceeds from all sales benefit the New York City Fire Museum, a not-for-profit , 501(c)3 organization. Prices for each of these are as follows:
24″ x 36″ – $250.00
20″ x 14″ – $175.00
11″ x 14″ – $150.00
8″ x 10″ – $75.00
To see the exhibit and learn more about this new initiative, click here.