September 25 - July 25, 2019
The Alignist: Explore the World One Novel at a Time
If journalism sheds light on the nature and circumstances of a time and place, fiction immerses you on a visceral journey through the lived experience. WNYC reporter Beenish Ahmed facilitates this experience by transporting readers to different corners of the world with The Alignist, a curated subscription box exploring novels from across the world and the countries they come from.
Now, Beenish is taking The Alignist out of the box with a live event series at The Greene Space. She’ll gather chefs, curators, authors and more to share incredible stories, performances, food and conversation.
Tonight she leads an exploration of Colombia through the lens of the book The Sound of Things Falling by Juan Gabriel Vásquez. We’ll talk about the rise of drug smuggling, the violence that followed and how the United States’ approach to border control is still informed by that infamous time.
Guests to be announced.
Note: Reading the assigned novel in advance of the event is highly recommended, but not at all required to enjoy the show.