The Reconnect Series: Draw Cart by Street Lab

September 23, 2021 - 5-7pm

Street Lab is a nonprofit that creates and shares extraordinary programs for public space across New York City—pop-up art functions, such as their open-air art studios! Their goal is to improve the urban environment, strengthen neighborhoods, and bring New Yorkers together.

Hudson Square BID has partnered with Street Lab to host an open air art gallery as part of the Reconnect Series. Street Lab’s Draw Cart is an interactive art studio with free art materials, inspirational prompts and socially distanced seating. The Draw Cart will be located in Spring Street on Tuesdays from 12pm-2pm and Thursdays from 5pm-7pm, and on King Street between Hudson and Greenwich Streets on Wednesdays from 12-2pm.

King St. possible thanks to our partners @HudsonSquareProperties

Hudson Square

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