The Reconnect Series: Music – Julia Easterlin + Asher Kurtz

September 30, 2021 - 5:30-7pm

Julia Easterlin is a vocalist, loop artist, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. Originally from Georgia, Easterlin now lives in Brooklyn NY, where she performs her own music and works as a vocalist and instrumentalist for such acts as Jacob Collier, Becca Steven’s and Taylor Ashton, among others.

Asher Kurtz is a guitarist, producer, songwriter and composer originally from Texas. He now lives in Brooklyn NY, where he works as a frequent collaborator with a number of Brooklyn-based and international musicians. He and Easterlin began performing together in 2016.

For the Hudson Square series, Julia and Asher will be performing a collaborative improvisational set featuring guitar, baritone ukulele, and vocal looping. They’re delighted to be part of NYC’s reopening.

Julia Easterlin + Asher Kurzt are part of the Reconnect series.  The series features music and an outdoor art gallery/studio on Tuesdays from 12:30pm-2pm and Thursdays from 5:30pm-7pm, on Little 6th Avenue, and Wednesdays from 12:30-2pm on King Street between Hudson and Greenwich Streets.

King St. possible thanks to our partners @HudsonSquareProperties

Hudson Square

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