June 15, 2021 - 11am-3pm
Will Porter is a portraitist & agitprop artist from Flint, MI. Agitprop stands for agitation & propaganda. Will is a huge advocate for personifying colonial-isms on canvas then attacking/dehumanizing them in order to restore confidence in the oppressed and to open the floor for tough dialogue. His portraiture often combines unnatural accent colors atop natural hues in order to stretch the limits as to what a beautiful face looks like regardless of the color(s) used.

Will Porter is a visual artist displaying his work as part of the Reconnect Series. Hudson Square has partnered with IAH Studio to curate a “pop-up” gallery in June, featuring young artists of color. The Reconnect series features music and an outdoor art gallery/studio on Tuesdays from 12:30pm-2pm and Thursdays from 6pm-7pm, on Little 6th Avenue and Dominick Street.