November 27, 2020

Family-owned and operated diner Amelia’s has been in Hudson Square since 1965. In 1989 Niko Katehis bought the restaurant and joined the rest of his family, who are no strangers to serving Hudson Square. In 1983 he worked at his cousin’s luncheonette, Eureka, before it was demolished to make way for the Dominick Hotel. Then he ran Teddy’s Coffee Shop on the corner of Spring Street and Greenwich from 1985 until mid 1988. Fifty-five years later

Amelia’s is still standing, a remnant of the old printing district where many business deals were made at the tables and old customers still come to visit. But like many small businesses, weathering the challenges of the coronavirus, Amelia’s isn’t seeing the foot traffic it used to and its owners hope it can survive another 55 years.

Hudson Square

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