October 4, 2024

photo credits: Tribeca Citizen
Information provided by NYC Environmental Protection (DEP):
NYC DEP Canal Street Pump Station, located at Canal Street & Sullivan Street, was originally constructed in 1930 and was last upgraded in the 1990s. The pump station serves residences and businesses in SoHo/Hudson Square, routing wastewater and stormwater to the Newtown Creek Wastewater Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRF) for treatment.
The reconstruction project will upgrade the entire pump station to meet updated standards of safety, efficiency, and resiliency. It will also eliminate the need for Canal Street lane closures during routine NYC DEP maintenance. The estimated construction completion is August 2026.
NYC DEP contractor work schedule is Monday to Friday, 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM unless otherwise noted. They have a few subcontractors on board, but their main contractor is Gramercy Wrecking/Environmental/Civil.
The construction fence and setting up the contractor field office, trailer located on Grand Street, was all completed by September 20.
NYC DEP contractor also installed erosion control and Tree protection around the site in September.
Upcoming activities for the first week of October 2024 are as follows:
- Install Vibration monitoring system around the site. Pending MTA access agreement.
- Install Noise monitoring system around the site. Prior to sheeting installation.
- Sawcut/chop for Test Pits on Sullivan Street. Pending MTA approval.
- Excavate Test Pits for existing Utilities on Sullivan Street. Pending MTA approval. Will continue the following week.
- Hookup temporary trailers, Con Edison to set up meter.
- Perform Preconstruction survey around the site.
- Perform Soil sampling on Sullivan Street. Pending Subcontractor Approval/MTA Approval.
For more information contact: https://www.nyc.gov/site/dep/about/contact.page