April 1, 2021

As we continue to welcome more and more people back to the neighborhood, we must take an opportunity to appreciate the trees, greenery, and open spaces in Hudson Square. Every year, the BID does its part to not only make the community lush with life, both human, and plant. Especially after this past year cooped up inside our apartments, we have an even greater appreciation for the outside, and our green environment. While Earth Day is April 22nd, sustainability and environmental efforts are weaved into the fabric of Hudson Square, and show in everything we do for the community.

With the goal to demonstrate support for environmental protection, NYC Parks is also doing their part by hosting a number of virtual events in the lead up to Earth Day to be aware of, such as:

How to Use a Compass: Monday April 5, 11:00-11:30AM

Earth Day Nature Craft Plantable Recycled Seed Paper: Sunday April 11, 10:00-11:00AM

Virtual STEAM Workshop: Earth Day: April 22, 3:30-4:30PM


Some of our local Hudson Square businesses are also helping the cause:

  • Medidata has an ongoing goal to have 90% of their long-term lease offices in LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold buildings. They also submit an annual Carbon Disclosure Report (CDP) while continuing to encourage sustainable waste management within all of their offices
  • Aveda has been heavily involved in Earth day fundraising for 30 years, doing events like a Cut-A-Thon, and selling “Light The Way” candles, having raised nearly $65 million since 1990 for hundreds of local and global environmental organizations, with more than $60 million directed to protecting and providing clean water.
  • Warby Parker is a B Corporation for their “social and environmental performance”. They have a long history of corporate social responsibility that is good for the community and the environment. Over the past 10 years, WP has audited all their main suppliers against global green standards. They’ve also purchased more land, bringing as much production in house, and reducing unnecessary shipping. Additionally, WP works directly with manufacturers and raw material suppliers so that they know exactly where and how products are being manufactured. This level of cooperate responsibility and transparency makes them a company to emulate.

Here are some tips on how you can make an effort to be more green in your daily lives:

  • Conserve Electricity/Keep your freezer full
    • Unplug appliances when not in use, turn of the lights when you don’t need them or even shut down desktop computers/laptops. Invest in LED light bulbs, which use less energy and last longer than traditional light bulbs. Keeping your freezer full also takes less energy when keeping the food cool.
  • Use a Power Bar Surge for your appliances
    • Too lazy to unplug all appliances one by one? Plug them all into one or two power bars and unplug them all with a simple switch.
  • Make the transition to Chemical Free products
    • Buy, or make your own, All-purpose cleaners for home cleaning that do not contain any harmful chemicals. Instead of using products that harm your health, use more gentle cleaners such as baking soda, borax, and liquid castile soap.
  • Sealing air leaks can save more than 20% on heating and cooling bills
    • Caulk and weather-strip the doors and windows to keep in heat in the winter and reduce heater use.
  • Drink Tap Water instead of using plastic and paying more for the same thing
    • According to the EPA, tap water is just as healthy as bottled water, or even more, since some bottled waters are just tap water that’s sometimes filtered.
  • Green your personal care
    • Simplify your personal care with natural products, and remember that healthy food leads to healthy skin and body.
  • Donate or recycle of Electronics- never throw them out
    • Donate or recycle old electronics whenever possible. E-waste contains mercury and other toxins, which is a growing environmental problem.
  • Consider new and greener travel habits
    • Choose fuel efficient travel options, travel less, and try to pick more direct routes to save on fuel. Try to ride a bicycle instead of a car. Click here for more ways to commit to a greener commute on your way to work- or anywhere
  • Use less fossil fuel based products
    • Find out what products you use are made using fossil fuels and use them less or replace them.





Hudson Square

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