Economic Assistance Programs

December 9, 2021

While life is beginning to return to a new normal, the City recognizes that business and people still need assistance.  The following are some Economic Assistance programs to aide those needing help.

Small Business Resilience Grant
Offered by the NYC Small Business Services, is designed to help NYC’s small businesses offset operational expenses to mitigate economic hardships due to the pandemic.  The program provides $10,000 grants to eligible small businesses in:

  • The arts, entertainment, and recreation sectors
  • Accommodation and food services sector
  • Low-to-moderate income areas

Learn more about the program, find out if you are eligible and apply here.


NYC Small Business Resource Network
Get personalized guidance & resources for your business.  Small business support specialists can help you open, re-open, and grow your business.  Services include:

  • Grants and loans
  • Digital Marketing
  • Getting online
  • Lease negotiations
  • Business planning

NYC Business Quick Start
Mayor de Blasio and NYC Small Business Services launched NYC Business QuickStart, a historic, $11 million concierge service for small businesses. This new interagency initiative will cut red tape and make New York City the easiest place in the United States to open or reopen a small business.

NYC Business QuickStart will provide small businesses a sole point of contact to help navigate City regulations, as well as a public dashboard. The program guarantees a 48-hour response to all small business inquiries and will cut processing time by 50 percent.

Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program
Commercial Tenants
Applications for the New York State COVID-19 Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program are now live. The Grant Program provides $800 million in assistance for small businesses (including small for-profit independent arts and cultural organizations), experiencing financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Flexible grants up to $50,000 can be used for operating expenses, including payroll, rent or mortgage payments, taxes, utilities, personal protective equipment, or other business expenses incurred during the pandemic.  Over 330,000 small and micro businesses are potentially eligible for this program.

Curtains Up NYC
Shuttered Venue Grant
SBA has begun making the first round of Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) award decisions. See SBA’s FAQ if you have applied but have not yet been notified of an award. For more information and to view applicant resources, visit the SVOG website. For SVOG application portal technical support such as a password reset, browser suggestions, or how to use the multi-factor authentication with an app and the QR code, applicants can call 1-800-659-2955 or, for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, 1-800-877-8339 and follow the prompts to SVOG assistance.

NYC live-performance venues, businesses, and non-profit organizations applying for SVOG and other federal assistance can access free technical assistance through Curtains Up NYC, a program partnership of MOME and NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS). Trained counselors are also available for virtual, one-on-one sessions. Information is available on the Curtains Up NYC webpage or 888-SBS-4NYC.

Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Residential Tenants
The NYS Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) began accepting applications on June 1. Eligible low and moderate-income households can get up to 12 months of their back rent paid, three months of future rent, and other assistance. There are no immigration status requirements to qualify for the program. NYC’s Human Resources Administration website offers information about the program, as well as a list of organizations who can help New Yorkers with their applications



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