HSBID Issues RFP for Graphic Design


January 5, 2023

SBID seeks a graphic design Agency to develop marketing strategies and design deliverables and assets. The Hudson Square neighborhood continues to be one of New York’s creative hubs and it is imperative that our brand reflects and resonates with the creative sector here. The selected Agency will be asked to reinterpret (not reinvent) the brand to be responsive to the creative economy and at the forefront of design and technology.

The schedule for the Request For Proposals:

January 5
RFP Issued
January 13
Agencies express interest and email questions to: RFP@hudsonsquarebid.org
January 18
HSBID provides answers to all submitted questions
February 3
RFP due at 5pm
February 27 – March 3
Schedule interviews
March 6-30
Interviews with potential Agencies
April 14
Agency selected
By May 5
Contract issued/ Kick-off meeting


Click here to download the Request For Proposal, and see examples of past year projects.

Hudson Square

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