Hudson Square Neighbors Step Up


April 28, 2020

In the last few weeks, New York City has essentially been put on a pause with the exception of our brave essential workers. We’ve seen streets clear, stores close, and business move from board meetings to zoom meetings. With negative stories dominating the news, we wanted to share a few stories about our neighbors in Hudson Square, how they have found creative ways to be part of the response.

In response to COVID-19, the creative and innovative businesses in Hudson Square are stepping up. Open-source hardware company, Adafruit has shifted their focus to making face shields for healthcare workers. Meanwhile, Vivvi Early Learning facility has opened their doors to provide 12-hour childcare for medical professionals and other essential employees. Deborah Miller Catering, which runs Deb’s Takeaway, and Great Performances are cooking up meals that would have graced the tables of galas this season are instead feeding frontline healthcare workers to 40,000 homebound elderly per week who are no longer able to go to senior centers for meals. Lastly, amongst all the closures and refocused missions, Biolabs, a co-working space for life science startups, is still open so important research can continue.

While we look forward to recovery and a brighter future, it is important to acknowledge and thank those finding ways to help. Our Hudson Square community should be proud; having come together to push boundaries and creatively find a way to be part of the solution to COVID-19.

Hudson Square

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