Safety Improvements on Varick Street

July 2, 2020

This month, DOT will be doing work in our neighborhood. The goal of the work will bring various benefits to the Hudson Square community, such as calmer traffic, the addition of protected bike lanes, as well as shorter and safer crossings.

The improvements being made include the following:

  • Extend parking-protected bike lane on Varick St. two blocks south from Carmine St. to Houston St.
  • Install concrete pedestrian refuge island on the Clarkson St. approach to Varick St.
  • Install painted pedestrian island on southeast corner of Varick St. and Carmine St.
  • Install painted curb extension on northwest corner of Varick St and Clarkson St.
  • Remove southbound right-turn only lane on Varick St. approaching Houston St.
  • Install painted pedestrian island on northeast corner of Varick St. and Houston St.
  • Relocate existing painted curb extension from southwest to southeast corner at Varick St. and Houston St.

This work will go a long way towards making Hudson Square safer for pedestrians and drivers alike. We are looking forward to a noticeably smoother running Hudson Square soon!


Hudson Square

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