RFP – Graphic design agency


HSBID seeks a graphic design Agency to develop marketing strategies and design deliverables and assets. The Hudson Square neighborhood continues to be one of New York’s creative hubs and it is imperative that our brand reflects and resonates with the creative sector here. The selected Agency will be asked to reinterpret (not reinvent) the brand to be responsive to the creative economy and at the forefront of design and technology.

Click here to download the RFP

As part of the RFP Process, click here to review questions and answers in regard to the RFP.
Click here for a list of questions and answers

The schedule for this RFP is:

  • January 5
    RFP Issued
  • January 13
    Agencies express interest and email questions to: RFP@hudsonsquarebid.org
  • January 18
    HSBID provides answers to all submitted questions
  • February 3
    RFP due at 5pm
  • February 27 – March 3
    Schedule interviews
  • March 6-30
    Interviews with potential Agencies
  • April 14
    Agency selected
  • By May 5
    Contract issued/ Kick-off meeting

The following are examples from this past year to illustrate annual deliverables.  Please refer to the RFP for the full scope of work; the below are for reference only.   

2022 Annual Report

In 2022 we wanted to design an Annual Report that was engaging and reflective of the creative community we serve. Rather than creating a typical report, we developed an interactive digital experience that tells the story of our last year as a journey. We look forward to imagining an equally dynamic and engaging report in 2023, and expect that our design firm will continue to stretch these boundaries.
Please click here to view our 2022 Annual Report.

IRL Campaign

The IRL campaign was created to show the Hudson Square neighborhood as a place you want to spend time in – and create FOMO for those who are not here. The campaign was on several different platforms and incorporated local retailers, public spaces, and seasonal opportunities.

Examples of Instagram posts for the campaign and customized for Halloween.
Please click here to view our feed.

The campaign was posted on local LinkNYC Wi-Fi stations in the Hudson Square neighborhood.
Please click here for an example.


The New York City Department of Transportation allows BIDs to promote their neighborhood using 8’x3’ Banners on selected light poles. HSBID has an inventory of roughly 50 poles we utilize on an annual basis.

Example of a one-time annual project

One of HSBID’s proudest accomplishments is our Hudson Square Standard trees. To commemorate the planting of our 500th tree, we asked our design team to develop special tree tags that showcased the program and its environmental benefits.

Big Belly

HSBID currently incorporates the Big Belly trash system in the Hudson Square neighborhood. The bins not only keep our streets cleaner but provide an opportunity for branding. The following is an example of a Big Belly bins in Spring Street Park.

BID Boundaries Map

Please click here for our current Map.


We invite you to explore our Website, and social handles to further explore our brand.

Hudson Square

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