Celebrate Valentine’s Day in Hudson Square
Hang up your Valentines at Hudson Square Pharmacy
In partnership with the Children’s Museum of Arts, we are presenting some Valentine’s Day themed activities to do with your children and family.
Create a Valentine based on CMA templates or one of your own design to a specially-marked drop-off box at Hudson Square Pharmacy located at 345 Hudson Street (around the corner from CMA!) through February 14. Valentines will be displayed in Hudson Square Pharmacy’s front window for all to see through the end of the month.
Can’t make it in-person? or use the hashtag #CMAVDAY when sharing on your own socials.
Spread the love in Hudson Square!
Candy, gifts, cards and flowers are exchanged in the name of love and romance on Valentine’s Day every year! If you want to do something different for this holiday, we challenge you to give your neighborhood some love instead.
- Bring a gift or card to someone you normally wouldn’t. Give a Valentine to your mail person, front desk attendant, office cleaner or barista. You don’t have to be in a romantic relationship with someone to show them how much you appreciate them!
- Shop and eat at small, local businesses. Local businesses keep our neighborhood unique and vibrant—show them some love by ordering lunch or purchasing something for your office at a small business. Need ideas on where to go? Check out our list of open retailers.
- Share on social media what you love about Hudson Square! Go to our Instagram story highlight “Neighborhood love” and add what you love about Hudson Square!
Keep the love going all year round!
The love doesn’t have to end on Valentine’s Day. Keep the following dates in mind, or do something nice just because.
February 17th, 2022 – Random Acts of Kindness Day
February 18th, 2022 – National Caregivers Day
March 1, 2022 – World Compliment Day